Academic Art of Riding in Barcelona
What is the Academic Art of Riding?
For me, the Academic Art of Riding is learning about balance, in the riders and horse’s body. The use of exercises serves to promote the riding-horse's physical and mental wellbeing. It's not a ready-made method with step by step instructions. Every horse is different and demands an individual approach.
Also the Academic Art of Riding is not reserved for the best or most beautiful horses. On the contrary, especially horses with difficult bodies or health problems benefit from it. Among the horses of academic riders you will find PRE's and Lusitanos as well as Shetlandponies and Shire-horses.
In the Academic Art of Riding there are no shortcuts. It’s a very exact and reflected work, considering every single detail. This requires persistent effort and the readiness to work on oneself. In return one gets harmony with the horse, lightness and mutual understanding – a little bit of magic.
There is a lot to write and read about the Academic Art of Riding by Bent Branderup. His Art of Riding is based on the knowledge and study of old riding masters like Xenophon, Pluvinel, Guérinière or Steinbrecht. However, it’s not a self-contained method, but in constant development, learning from the horses, from the students as well as from scientific investigations in biomechanics.
Why groundwork?
Groundwork, work in hand and lunging according to the principles of the Academic Art of Riding go far beyond handling and caring for horses. In groundwork human and horse can work out the most demanding exercises. First and foremost, however, working from the ground is a tool to prepare horse AND rider for the riding and keep the riding horse healthy in the long term.
“Also, do not think you are the one who has to teach the horse. […] Those who want to practice the Academic Art of Riding must train themselves and learn from their horses”